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Integrated Management System Policy

OPTIMA builds its operations based on the principles of lifecycle, circular economy, sustainable development, and continuous improvement. These core values guide our business processes during the planning, implementation, control, and corrective action stages. The commitment of our employees to these values and their teamwork ensure the successful functioning of our integrated management system.

Our company operates with a customer satisfaction-focused approach, committing to continuously improve quality standards and minimize environmental impact. In this context, we prioritize the safety and health of our employees by making commitments in Occupational Health and Safety (OHS).

Our OHS policy involves providing safe working environments at every stage of our operations, minimizing risks, and focusing on emergency management. With this approach, we aim to ensure customer satisfaction and raise OHS standards to the highest level with a sustainable and ethical approach.

Our Activities

Operate in construction, maintenance, repair, and engineering sectors in compliance with national and international laws, regulations, and standards.
Ensure environmental protection and prevent environmental pollution as per the Environmental Management System requirements.
Ensure employee participation within the scope of Quality, Environment, and OHS Management Systems.
Ensure the effective management of near-miss processes to eliminate hazards as per OHS Management System requirements.
Minimize environmental, health, and work safety risks for our employees and stakeholders by applying the best technologies and operational procedures.
Identify and reduce risks related to environmental and OHS emergencies.
Continuously develop our Quality, Environment, and OHS management system, measuring our performance.
Prepare action plans to reach our goals and continuously improve our performance.
Raise awareness among employees through necessary training, improving their environmental protection skills.
Ensure our contractors and suppliers respect the values of our Quality Management System and provide training to raise their awareness.

Our commitment is to adopt a philosophy of continuous improvement with teamwork at every stage of our activities, contributing to sustainable growth for our company and society.

General Manager


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